After that meeting, I went back to my school and met my student teacher. He will be with me for the beginning of the year as well as the end. The teacher I will share him with and I certainly worked him today, He may not want to come back to us!
Even with my to-do-list getting things crossed off, I still don't feel anything ready to have kids next week. I need to sit down and get some planning done, especially around centers. We haven't done much of that at our school but are leaning that way so I have to figure that all out! Tomorrow we have our building meeting and then should have time in our classrooms in the afternoon. My countdown will really begin since we have Open House on Thursday at 11! EEK!
Anyway, here are a few more pictures of my classroom. I tried to get some clearer close-ups as well as some all around the room pics. Let me know what you think, I LOVE comments! :)
View from my desk to the door
View from my library to the front of the room
I love our sentence frames at the front of the room, the bright colored papers. We use them daily with all of our subjects, especially reading!
This is an up close view of one of the sentence frames. There are 12 in all!
My reading table with pinterest inspired stools. Last year they were all bright colored, so I had to change them this year to match my room. That's my cricut on the table, that will get moved here Friday. Also, there should be a bookcase behind my reading table with all of my reading supplies, but the custodians accidentally broke it :( So there is a new one in my car to put together tomorrow.
Someone asked if I could take a close up of my labels for my cupbards/curtains. Here it is!
My CAFE board that will be filled with great information within the first few weeks of school.
We do a program called Gold Cards at my school. They are just like our teacher badges taken by LifeTouch each year. The students earn them each week for good behavior and meeting the certain criteria. Each week during our newscast, a group of students is announced that have earned a special treat (ie.: snack, extra recess, open gym, pencil, etc...) from the principal. That group of kids (let's say 5th grade boys) that have earned their gold card go down to the office to collect their prize. It is a really positive, rewarding program. This is where I store my gold cards. It makes it easy to look up and see who has one and who doens't.
There are an up close picture of my table group signs. They make me smile when I enter my room every time!
Inspired by Jessica at Dandelions and Dragonflies. My students struggled last year always wanting to get up out of their seats to get supplies. Now there is one of these at every group so that there will be no more walking around! :)
My Clip Chart. I LOVE this idea so much. It was so easy to implement last year and easy to follow through with. In fact, every teacher in my building is now doing it!
It's hard to beleive that my students still struggle with telling time, so this clock should help them out!
My inspiration. I made these for my kitchen years ago and they found their way into my classroom a few years ago. They are above my door as a reminder to all my students and myself to live, laugh and love each and every day.
Well there you have it! Day one done! :)
I love the bright colors and the sentence frames! Where did you get those?
I am your newest follower!
We made them as a grade level last year to go with our Reading Street program as well as boost our ELL kids. They are so super helpful! Thanks for being my 10th follower! :) Slowly but surely!
I LOVE your room! Great colors and organization!
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